pomeranian separation anxiety destruct

Does your little Pomeranian get super worried when you go out? Or do they keep following you everywhere at home and can’t seem to chill on their own?

If you’re concerned about your Pomeranian feeling upset when they’re alone, we’ve got your back! Check out these 35 signs, reasons, and ways to help with your Pomeranian’s separation anxiety.

Pomeranian Separation anxiety treatment

Pomeranians are really friendly and love being part of a group, so it’s not surprising that they often struggle with feeling lonely when left alone. This can be a common issue for Pomeranian owners.

Separation anxiety in Pomeranians can happen for various reasons, like changes in their daily routine, past experiences of being confined in a crate, not getting the right training, or environmental changes. These things can make them feel insecure.

Sadly, some Pomeranians end up in shelters because their owners find it tough to deal with their disruptive or destructive behaviors when left by themselves. Things like peeing, pooping, barking, whining, howling, chewing furniture, or trying to escape can become frequent, causing a lot of stress for both the Pomeranian and its owner.

pomeranian separation anxiety

What is Pomeranian Separation Anxiety?

Pomeranian separation anxiety is a quite common situation where Pomeranians feel distressed when they’re separated, either briefly or for a longer time, from their favorite human friend or companion.

The stress from being apart becomes so strong that they start showing both physical and mental effects, which can be really upsetting for both you and your little friend. Pomeranians can go through mild to severe separation anxiety, and it depends on different factors.

Spotting and understanding the signs early on is crucial to stop the situation from getting worse and turning into a serious case of separation anxiety.

pomeranian separation anxiety misunderstood behaviors

What are the Signs of Pomeranian Separation Anxiety?

Even though Pomeranians are smart and trainable, being alone for a short or long time can lead them to pick up some not-so-great habits. The stress of being apart might make them act out, and while it might seem like they just need a lesson in good behavior, these actions can also be signs that they’re feeling really upset.

Recognizing and understanding these signs in your Pomeranian is the first step to stopping separation anxiety from getting worse and being able to help them effectively.

10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Pomeranian Separation Anxiety

The following list could indicate separation anxiety in your pomeranian:

1. Excessive Barking or Howling

Pomeranians suffering from separation anxiety may vocalize excessively, often barking or howling persistently when left alone to convey their distress.

2. Destructive Behavior

Chewing on furniture, shoes, or household items becomes a coping mechanism for Pomeranians dealing with anxiety when left alone.

For general tips on how to limit ‘normal’ destructive behavior, read 13 Ways to Pom Pom-Proof Your Home and Yard (Pro Tips!)

3. Potty Accidents

Even well-trained Pomeranians may have indoor accidents as a response to the stress of being separated from their owners.

4. Pacing or Restlessness

Restlessness and continual pacing are common behavioral expressions of anxiety in Pomeranians experiencing separation.

pomeranian separation anxiety signs-and symptoms

5. Excessive Drooling

Increased drooling can be a physical manifestation of the stress and anxiety Pomeranians feel when left alone.

6. Attempts to Escape

Pomeranians may try to escape from crates or rooms as an attempt to reunite with their owners and alleviate their separation anxiety

7. Loss of Appetite

Dogs suffering from separation anxiety may exhibit a reduced interest in food or treats, even if they typically enjoy them.

8. Depression or Lethargy

Pomeranians may display signs of depression, such as lethargy, when separated from their owners for extended periods.

9. Obsessive Grooming

Excessive licking or chewing on their own fur, paws, or tail can be a self-soothing behavior seen in Pomeranians with separation anxiety

10. Velcro Dog Behavior

Pomeranians may become excessively clingy, following their owners around and seeking constant reassurance, as a response to separation anxiety.

pomeranian separation anxiety severe depression

10 Causes of Separation Anxiety in Pomeranians

Pomeranians can develop separation anxiety for various reasons, given their highly sociable nature, love for people and other pets, high energy levels, potential crate abuse, insufficient training, and common misunderstandings.

Being pack animals, Pomeranians thrive on social interactions, forming strong attachments to people, other dogs, or pets, and are happiest when in good company. Here are some common causes of separation anxiety in Pomeranians:

1. Crate Abuse

Pomeranians are often crated, and this can lead to previous crate abuse experiences. Due to their energetic and sometimes mischievous nature, owners might use crates to control destructive behaviors, leading to distress when left alone without effective crate training techniques, breaks, or exercise.

2. Not using a crate

Pomeranians with too much freedom in a large space may feel isolated, reinforcing the sense of being alone. Crating can prevent household damage, minimizing frustration and building a better relationship.

Crating also eliminates the possibility of destruction to household goods and items, preventing you from airing any possible frustrations as a result of the damage, and subsequently helping to build a better relationship with your pom pom.

3. Lack of Appropriate Training

Without separation training, Pomeranians may struggle to understand that being left alone is normal and safe. Proper training is crucial to help them cope with isolation.

4. Lack of Exercise

High-energy Pomeranians need adequate physical and mental stimulation. Insufficient exercise before being left alone can trigger destructive behaviors as a stress-coping mechanism.

5. Given up for Adoption

Pomeranians are commonly given up for adoption, and changes in their environment can trigger separation anxiety as they fear abandonment or surrender to a shelter.

6. Previous Punishment

Past punishment upon the owner’s return can lead to severe anxiety. Negative or traumatic experiences may associate punishment with the owner’s return, causing distress.

7. Accustomed to a Busy Environment

Pomeranians adopted from shelters or large households may develop separation anxiety when removed from a busy environment and left alone in isolation.

8. Change in Schedule

Routine-loving Pomeranians can experience separation anxiety due to abrupt schedule changes. Drastic alterations can lead to fear of abandonment.

9. Unfamiliar Environment

Moving to a new home or temporary care in an unfamiliar environment can unsettle Pomeranians, causing distress in the absence of familiar routines.

10. Loss of a Member of their Pack

As pack animals, Pomeranians form strong attachments. The loss of a pack member, whether human or pet, can be highly distressing, leading to depression or severe separation anxiety.

15 Treatments for Pomeranian Separation Anxiety

Whether you’ve welcomed a grown-up Pomeranian into your home or raised them from a puppy, there’s a lot you can do to help them overcome separation anxiety. Here are some effective treatments and techniques for managing Pomeranian separation anxiety:

1. Separation Training

The Pomeranian Training

Training your Pomeranian to be independent is crucial in addressing separation anxiety. While their neediness and constant cuddles are adorable, it’s essential to familiarize them with ‘alone time’ at home with you. Train them to sit or stay in one place while you briefly leave the room and gradually extend the duration.

Check out one of these transformational online dog training courses that can greatly help with separation anxiety, although if we had to recommend the most suitable, it would be the K9TI Masterclass(kT891 review)

2. Mock Departures

Simulating departures is a helpful way to acclimate your Pomeranian to being alone in a controlled environment. Practice routines like putting on shoes and a coat or grabbing keys to desensitize them to the signals of your departure. Gradually increase the time you’re away during these mock departures.

3. Effective Crate Training

pomeranian puppy crate training guide 2

Proper crate training can be highly effective in combating separation anxiety in Pomeranians. It provides a sense of security and familiarity, making them feel safe in their designated space. Refer to a comprehensive crate training guide for valuable tips.

Check out one of these transformational online dog training courses that can greatly help with separation anxiety, although if we had to recommend the most suitable, it would be the K9TI Masterclass

4. Moderate Departure and Arrival Excitement

Avoid being excessively playful or animated when leaving or returning home. This helps prevent your Pomeranian from associating your departures and arrivals with high-energy fun, reducing potential disappointment or anxiety.

5. Hire a Dog Walker or Sitter

pomeranian separation anxiety treatments

Engage dog walkers or sitters for extended periods when your Pomeranian will be alone. This ensures they get exercise and return home content, minimizing the likelihood of separation anxiety.

6. Increase Mental Stimulation

woman train pomeranian

Offer mental stimulation through toys and puzzles, such as long-lasting chews

Long Lasting chews like lick mats, or snuffle mats. These activities keep your Pomeranian entertained and tired, contributing to a more relaxed state.


7. Comforting Background Noise

Leave background noise like a radio or TV on to provide a calming atmosphere. This helps drown out external sounds that might unsettle your Pomeranian.

This Portable Dog Radio has been scientifically proven at helping soothe nervous dogs by playing a specific selection of dog calming music.

8. Provide Distractions

In the early stages of separation training, leave your Pomeranian with enjoyable distractions, like treat dispensers or filled Kong toys. This positive association helps shift their focus away from your departure.

Both of these products make it onto our list of the Ultimate Training Tools for Dogs

9. Install a Dog Camera

A dog camera can provide insights into your Pomeranian’s behavior when alone, helping gauge progress during separation training. Initially distressing, it becomes reassuring as you witness improved behavior.

Dog cameras are a great way of identifying how long your pomeranian can cope on its own before showing any signs of separation anxiety, and will eventually provide you with some comfort that they can cope well on their own.

10. Avoid Scolding or Punishment

Refrain from scolding or punishing your Pomeranian for unwanted behaviors related to separation anxiety. Punishment can worsen their distress and create a negative cycle.

11. Minimize Alone Time during Rehabilitation

If your Pomeranian is undergoing severe separation anxiety, try to minimize complete alone time during rehabilitation. Gradually introduce independence with patience and planning.

Training a pomeranian to be independent is extremely difficult if they are still experiencing high levels of distress, so rehabilitation needs to be planned carefully for a successful outcome.

12. Consider Anti-Anxiety Medication

In severe cases, consult your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medication to assist with separation anxiety. Medication can help your Pomeranian tolerate isolation and support separation training.

Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your pup any type of medication for a behavioral issue.

13. Introduce Another Pomeranian

two pomeranians outdoor

Having another Pomeranian companion can alleviate separation anxiety, as these social animals thrive with like-minded company. Consider owning two Pomeranians with proper separation training.

14. Introduce Another Dog Breed

Pairing your Pomeranian with another dog breed that gets along well can also provide companionship and reduce feelings of isolation.

15. Time and Patience

Above all, offer your Pomeranian time and patience during separation training. Overcoming severe separation anxiety takes time, especially if you’ve adopted them. Identify triggers and provide the attention needed for them to feel secure at home.

Wrapping Up Pomeranian Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in pomeranian isn’t rare, but the good news is there are numerous strategies to help ease your furry friend’s discomfort.

Using methods from mock departures to specialized separation training, every step you take is vital in ensuring your pomeranian is at ease when home alone.

We trust this information on the signs, symptoms, and treatments for pomeranian separation anxiety was enlightening. If it was, consider subscribing to our newsletter for weekly pomeranian insights and to join a community of fellow pomeranian enthusiasts.