pomeranian breed information realistic perspective of what to expect

The Pomeranian has a lot of great qualities. They are loving and playful and make for great companions. But, like any dog breed, they have their quirks. 

So if you’re thinking about bringing home a puppy or a rescue, Pomeranian Breed Information: The Realities of What to Expect is just for you! This article will help you understand some of the challenges of caring for this breed so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not a Pomeranian is the right choice for you and your household.

pomeranian breed information realistic perspective of what to expect

A Glimpse into the Lively Pomeranian

  • The Pomeranian breed is a small-sized dog with a lively personality, originally developed in the Pomerania region. These charming dogs were named after the region and were once much larger than the Pomeranians we know today.
  • Pomeranians are known for their vibrant and energetic nature, making them delightful companions. Despite their small size, they carry a lively spirit and are often filled with enthusiasm for play and interaction.
  • Pomeranians have a luxurious double coat that requires regular grooming to keep it in top condition. Their fox-like expression and fluffy appearance make them particularly endearing to dog enthusiasts.
  • While Pomeranians may have had a different role in history, today they are primarily cherished as adorable and affectionate pets, thriving in the company of their human families.

Pomeranian Breed Size, Coloring and Markings

  • The Pomeranian is a small-sized breed known for its charming and compact physique. Typically, Pomeranians weigh between 3 to 7 pounds (1.4 to 3.2 kilograms), making them delightful miniature companions.
  • In terms of height, Pomeranians stand at an average of 7 to 12 inches at the shoulder (18cm to 30cm), showcasing their petite stature and portable size.
  • Pomeranians boast a diverse range of coat colors and markings. One of the most popular color variations is the vibrant orange or red Pomeranian, but they also come in a spectrum of other hues including black, blue, chocolate, cream, sable, and more.
  • Markings on Pomeranians can vary as well, with many exhibiting distinct patterns such as parti-color (two or more clearly defined colors), sable (individual hairs are banded with different colors), and brindle (a mix of dark and light stripes). Their fluffy double coat contributes to their overall charming appearance.

Life Span

On average, Pomeranians tend to live between 12 to 16 years, provided they receive a nutritious diet, ample physical and mental stimulation, and, of course, lots of love!

Pomeranian life span

The primary cause of mortality in Pomeranians is often attributed to various health issues, with dental problems and heart disease being common concerns. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and dental care contribute significantly to their overall well-being.

Similar to other dog breeds, Pomeranians may face health challenges, and it’s crucial to be aware of their vulnerability to dental issues. Regular dental care, including brushing their teeth and providing dental treats, can help maintain their oral health.

Spaying and neutering also play a role in extending the life expectancy of Pomeranians, as it helps mitigate the risk of certain cancers and positively influences their long-term hormonal balance.

While the average lifespan provides a general guideline, there are instances of Pomeranians exceeding expectations. Knowing that some Pomeranians have lived well into their late teens and early twenties gives reason to remain optimistic about the joyous years you can share with your furry Pomeranian companion!

Their long lifespan is definitely an advantage to owning a Pom Pom

Temperament and Personality

The Pomeranian’s temperament is often described as spirited, affectionate, and occasionally a touch headstrong, bringing a delightful mix of playfulness and a hint of mischievousness to the table. Owners may find themselves needing a fair amount of patience and resilience to keep up with their spirited Pomeranian friends!

Pomeranian exercise

One of the notable traits of Pomeranians is their sharp intelligence, coupled with an insatiable curiosity. Training your Pomeranian can be a rewarding experience, especially when utilizing their intelligence to your advantage. While their love for food is undeniable, it can be harnessed effectively through proper training techniques.

Pomeranians have a tendency to stay close to their owners, following them around the house or yard. This behavior is driven by a fear of missing out, and they often position themselves strategically to keep an eye on their human and any potential snack sources.


When it comes to grooming, the Pomeranian presents a moderate level of maintenance. Their double coat requires regular attention to keep them looking their best, but it’s not as demanding as some other breeds.

pomeranian grooming by a woman

Pomeranians have a dense, double coat that benefits from brushing a few times a week to prevent mats and reduce shedding. Regular brushing helps distribute natural oils, keeping their coat healthy and shiny. While they don’t typically require trimming, occasional grooming around the ears and paws may be necessary.

Unlike some breeds, Pomeranians don’t have a water-resistant coat, so occasional baths may be needed to keep them clean and fresh. However, be mindful of the products you use, as Pomeranian skin can be sensitive.

Pomeranians are known to shed, and their fur tends to be more noticeable, especially in smaller living spaces. Regular brushing helps manage shedding, and it’s advised to have a lint roller handy, especially if your wardrobe includes dark colors.

Maintaining a Pomeranian’s hygiene also involves attention to their teeth, ears, and nails. Regular dental care, ear checks, and nail trims contribute to overall well-being.


Training a Pomeranian requires patience, consistency, and a gentle approach due to their small size and sensitive nature. These charming little dogs are known for their intelligence and eagerness to learn, making them relatively trainable. Start training your Pomeranian early in life to establish good behavior habits and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion.

Crate training is highly recommended for Pomeranian puppies, offering a secure space for them to feel comfortable. This becomes particularly useful for various situations, such as leaving them with others, taking them to work, or post-surgery/injury recovery.

A fully fenced, Pomeranian-proof backyard is essential for those who allow their furry friends to roam freely. Pomeranians, with their inquisitive nature, may be prone to exploration, so a secure environment is crucial to prevent them from wandering off.


crate training for pomeranian

Effective training techniques help reduce the risk of separation anxiety, ensuring a happy and well-adjusted Pomeranian companion. With the right training and socialization, you can enjoy a harmonious relationship with your spirited Pomeranian friend.

Here are our Top 15 Online Dog Training Courses to help prepare you for a new Pom pom.

Pomeranian Off-Leash

Off-leash training poses its own set of challenges for Pomeranians. Teaching them to be off-leash is best approached by starting with obedience commands and gradually allowing more freedom while maintaining control

Pomeranians have a natural curiosity and may be easily distracted, making off-leash training a bit more intricate. Early training, starting from their puppy age, significantly contributes to the success of off-leash endeavors.

With consistent training and positive reinforcement, you can train a Pomeranian to stay relatively close when off-leash, especially in larger areas like parks or forests. Many Pomeranian owners find that this type of training enhances their dog’s mental and physical well-being, providing them with opportunities for stimulation and happiness.

Pomeranian exercise


Recall is a vital aspect of training for any dog breed, and Pomeranians are no exception. By exercising patience and strategic planning, you can teach them the valuable skill of returning when called.

The key to successful recall with Pomeranians lies in creating excitement about the reward awaiting them upon their return. Utilizing high-value treats proves to be the most effective motivator for recall training, capturing their attention and enthusiasm.

Some Pomeranians may respond well to specific cues like “here” or “no,” particularly if these commands are familiar from their training vocabulary. It’s essential to recognize that there might be instances when Pomeranians exhibit selective hearing, emphasizing the need for patience and persistent training.

Consistency is paramount, and practicing recall in various environments can enhance their responsiveness. Gradually introducing distance and distractions during training helps reinforce the recall command in different situations.

Every Pomeranian is unique, and their response to recall training may vary. Tailoring your approach to their individual preferences and adjusting the tone of your voice can contribute to a more successful recall experience.


Pomeranian with owner

Pomeranians are naturally energetic dogs that thrive on regular exercise. Failing to provide sufficient physical activity may lead to restlessness, potential destructive behavior, or weight gain, especially as their metabolism tends to slow down with age.

Preventing obesity in Pomeranians involves more than just walks; mental stimulation is equally crucial. Aim for at least a 1-hour walk each day, complemented by various engaging activities.

It’s important to be mindful of their diet and avoid excessive calorie intake from treats. Scavenging tendencies can contribute to weight gain, so a well-balanced diet and controlled treat portions are essential.

While walks are beneficial, keeping a Pomeranian mentally stimulated can also be achieved through indoor games. Activities like hide-and-treat tap into their natural instincts and scenting skills, providing mental exhaustion in addition to physical exercise.

Barking and Howling

Pomeranians are naturally expressive and may be inclined to bark and vocalize. Their breeding history, emphasizing alertness, means they are more prone to using their vocal cords, requiring patient training to manage their vocal tendencies.

Pomeranian barking

In close living quarters or apartments, excessive barking and howling can pose challenges for both owners and neighbors. When left alone, Pomeranians may become vocal, potentially causing disturbances. This consideration is crucial for potential owners, especially if extended periods of alone time are expected.

While Pomeranians can be trained to reduce barking and howling, it’s a process that demands time and patience, often extending over several years. Consistent training routines and positive reinforcement techniques can contribute to modifying their behavior.

A valuable tip for Pomeranian owners is to avoid encouraging howling during their puppy stage. While it may seem cute initially, it can lead to undesirable behavior in the future. Setting boundaries early on and reinforcing quiet behavior can be instrumental in managing their vocal tendencies.

Pomeranian Breed Common Health Issues

Pomeranian are generally a healthy breed but they do have common health issues much like many other dogs. Some of the more regular health issues are:

Dental Problems

Pomeranians are prone to dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease.Regular dental care, including brushing and dental treats, is crucial for oral health.

Luxating Patella

This condition involves the dislocation of the kneecap and is relatively common in Pomeranians. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent or manage this issue.

Tracheal Collapse

Pomeranians may experience weakness in their tracheal cartilage, leading to a collapsed trachea. Using a harness instead of a collar and avoiding activities that strain the neck can be beneficial.

Hip Dysplasia

While more common in larger breeds, Pomeranians can also be affected by hip dysplasia. Maintaining a healthy weight and providing joint supplements can support hip health.


Pomeranians may develop an underactive thyroid gland, leading to issues like weight gain and lethargy. Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring of thyroid levels are essential.

Eye Problems

Pomeranians are susceptible to various eye conditions, including cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. Regular eye examinations and proper grooming can help detect and manage these issues.

Skin Allergies

Pomeranians may experience skin allergies, leading to itching and irritation. Identifying and avoiding allergens, along with proper grooming, can help manage skin allergies.

Collapsed Trachea

Pomeranians may be prone to a collapsing windpipe, leading to coughing and respiratory issues. Using a harness instead of a collar and avoiding exposure to irritants can aid in prevention.

Pomeranians and Children

Pomeranians are delightful companions for kids, showcasing adaptability and gentle behavior. They effortlessly adjust their demeanor around children, proving to be kind, affectionate, and patient with the younger members of the family. However, like any breed, they benefit from supervised interactions with children.

pomeranian with children

While Pomeranians are generally well-suited for families with kids, it’s important to remember that they can be overplayful on occasion. Supervision during interactions ensures a harmonious relationship and a safe environment for both the Pomeranian and the children.

Pomeranians and Other Pets

Pomeranians are delightful and social animals, known for their ability to easily bond with other dogs and pets. As pack animals, they thrive on companionship and prefer having the company of fellow creatures over solitude.

pomeranian with other dog

Their relatively high intelligence enables Pomeranians to gauge the social cues of other pets. They are adept at determining whether their furry counterparts are in the mood for a playful interaction or not. Typically non-confrontational, Pomeranians are eager to please other members of their ‘pack,’ making them less likely to assert dominance compared to some other dog breeds.

Average Cost of Keeping a Pomeranian

The average monthly cost of caring for a Pomeranian is around $150/£110. This estimate covers essential aspects of their well-being, including:


While Pomeranians generally do not require professional grooming, occasional grooming supplies may be needed for at-home care.

Veterinary fees can vary, with common issues such as ear infections typically costing around $120/£85 per case. Pomeranians are generally hardy, but occasional medical expenses should be factored into the overall cost.

Additionally, dog walking expenses can add up, especially if you’re in a 9-5 job and require daily assistance. A 1-hour dog walk can cost approximately $25/£18, contributing to the overall monthly budget for your Pomeranian’s care.

Wrapping Up Life with a Pomeranian

The Pomeranian breed embodies a vibrant and lively spirit, requiring ample exercise and mental stimulation to thrive. As you embark on the journey of having a Pomeranian companion, a bit of preparation goes a long way in understanding their unique behaviors and determining if you’re ready to handle their charming yet challenging traits.

Setting clear boundaries and offering your undivided attention are key ingredients in fostering a strong bond with your Pomeranian. In return, they’ll shower you with years of laughter and unwavering friendship. Explore our intriguing Pomeranian Facts for a deeper understanding of this delightful breed!