how much do pomeranians shed

Many are questioning whether Pomeranians shed a lot when considering getting a Pomeranian. Despite their small size they have 2 layers of coats, Pomeranians are moderate to heavy shedders.

This guide will help you assess if you’re ready for the upkeep, offer coat care tips, inform unique facts about shedding and strategies to minimize shedding in your Pomeranian companion.

cheeky pomeranians look

Do Pomeranian Shed?

Yes, Pomeranians do shed. They have a double coat consisting of a dense, fluffy undercoat and a longer, harsher outer coat.

Pomeranians typically shed year-round with heavier shedding occurring during seasonal changes, particularly in the spring and fall when they are transitioning between their winter and summer coats.

Pomeranians are also known for their distinctive plumed tails. However, their tails can also shed, especially during the seasonal shedding periods.

While Pomeranians do shed, with proper grooming and care, shedding can be managed effectively, and their coat can remain healthy and beautiful.

Are Pomeranian Double Coated?

Yes, Pomeranians are double-coated dogs. They have a dense, soft undercoat close to their skin, which provides insulation and helps regulate their body temperature in various weather conditions. On top of this undercoat, they have a longer and coarser outer coat that offers protection from environmental elements such as rain and snow.

The double coat of Pomeranians serves several purposes, including insulation, protection, and maintaining overall coat health. However, it also means that they will shed fur regularly, especially during seasonal changes, as they transition between their winter and summer coats.

How much do Pomeranians Shed?

The amount that a Pomeranian sheds can vary from dog to dog, but generally speaking, Pomeranians are moderate to heavy shedders.

Factors such as genetics, health, diet, and grooming practices can influence the amount of shedding in individual Pomeranians.

The shedding amount will also increase in fall as they shed their thicker winter coat in preparation for the warmer weather.

how much do pomeranian shed

When do Pomeranians Naturally Shed?

Pomeranians naturally shed throughout the year, but shedding tends to increase during seasonal changes, known as “blowing their coat”, particularly in the spring and fall.

During the spring, Pomeranians shed their thicker winter coat in preparation for the warmer weather. This shedding helps them adapt to the rising temperatures by reducing the insulation provided by their dense undercoat.

In the fall, Pomeranians shed their lighter summer coats in preparation for the colder weather ahead. Shedding during this time helps them grow a thicker, more insulating coat to keep them warm during the winter months.

While shedding occurs year-round, you may notice more pronounced shedding during these transitional seasons.

Is It Possible for Pomeranians to Shed Because of Unnatural Factors?

Pomeranians, like many other animals, have natural shedding cycles that are influenced by changes in daylight and temperature. However, since they’re often indoor companions, their natural cycles can be disrupted by certain factors as below:

Artificial lighting

Artificial lighting can disrupt Pomeranians’ natural circadian rhythms and may confuse their bodies’ internal clocks. This disruption could potentially affect the timing and intensity of shedding, leading to irregular patterns or increased shedding throughout the year.

Central Heating

Central heating in homes can create a consistent, warm environment year-round. While this may be comfortable for humans, it can impact dogs like Pomeranians, whose coats are designed to adapt to seasonal changes. The lack of temperature variation indoors may not trigger the shedding cycles as strongly as it would in a natural environment, potentially leading to less noticeable shedding or irregular shedding patterns.

Central heating systems can also contribute to dry indoor air, which may affect the health of your Pomeranian’s skin and coat. Dry air can lead to dry, flaky skin and increased shedding. Providing proper hydration and using humidifiers can help counteract the effects of dry indoor air and maintain your Pomeranian’s coat health.

On the positive side, artificial lighting and central heating can provide a comfortable and consistent environment for your Pomeranian, which may contribute to their overall well-being and can help reduce stress, which in turn may have a positive impact on shedding and coat health.

While it can potentially affect Pomeranian shedding, it’s essential to remember that individual dogs may respond differently.

Do Pomeranians Shed More in the Winter or Spring?

Pomeranians typically shed more in the spring than in the winter. During the winter, they often grow a thicker coat to provide insulation against the cold weather. As the weather begins to warm up in the spring, Pomeranians start shedding their heavier winter coat in preparation for the warmer temperatures of spring and summer.

This shedding process helps them adapt to the changing climate by reducing the thickness of their coat, which can be uncomfortable or even potentially dangerous in warmer weather. Therefore, while shedding may still occur in the winter, it’s often less noticeable compared to the heavier shedding that occurs in the spring as they transition to their lighter summer coat.

6. pomeranian winter coat shedding

Do Pomeranians have Hair or Fur?

A good question!

Pomeranians have fur rather than hair. The terms “hair” and “fur” are often used interchangeably, but there are technical differences between the two.

Hair typically refers to a single, long, and fine strand that grows continuously, like what humans have. Fur, on the other hand, refers to the dense coat of soft, short hairs covering the body of animals, such as dogs, cats, and other mammals.

Pomeranians have a double coat consisting of a dense, soft undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat.

While Pomeranians may not have “hair” in the human sense, their fur is an essential characteristic of the breed.
7. are pomeranians hypoallergenic

Are Pomeranian Hypoallergenic?

No, Pomeranians are not considered hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that produce fewer allergens, making them a better choice for individuals with allergies to pet dander. However, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, as all dogs produce some level of allergens.

Pomeranians, like many other breeds, shed dander, saliva, and urine proteins that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Additionally, their double coat can trap allergens, making them present in the environment even when the dog is not actively shedding.

If you have allergies but still wish to have a dog, you should spend time around Pomeranians before bringing one into your home to see how your body reacts.

Regular grooming, frequent bathing, and keeping the living environment clean can help reduce allergens and minimize allergic reactions.

However, it’s essential to consult with an allergist or healthcare professional before bringing any pet into your home if you have allergies.

Do Pomeranian Puppies Shed?

Yes, Pomeranian puppies do shed, although the extent of shedding may vary depending on the individual puppy and its age.

Pomeranian puppies typically start shedding their puppy coat and growing their adult coat around 4 to 6 months of age. During this transition period, you may notice increased shedding as the puppy’s adult coat begins to come in. This shedding can be quite dramatic and may leave the puppy looking patchy until their adult coat grows in fully.

8. do pomeranians puppies shed

Similar to adult Pomeranians, puppies have a double coat consisting of a dense, soft undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. Shedding helps them replace their puppy coat with their adult coat, which provides better insulation and protection.

Regular grooming, including brushing, can help manage shedding in Pomeranian puppies and promote the healthy growth of their adult coat.

Additionally, providing a balanced diet and ensuring proper hygiene can contribute to overall coat health in puppies.

Do Pomeranians Shed in Clumps?

Pomeranians typically shed their fur in small amounts rather than in large clumps. However, during seasonal shedding periods or when there’s a change in the dog’s environment or health, you may notice slightly larger amounts of fur being shed at once.

The presence of mites, fleas, or ticks on a Pomeranian can contribute to shedding in clumps. Infestations or bites can lead to skin irritation, itching, and increased scratching, causing the dog to shed more hair. Additionally, these parasites may affect the overall health of the coat, making it more prone to matting and shedding in clumps.

Regular preventive measures, such as using flea and tick prevention products and maintaining good hygiene, are essential to minimize the risk of infestations and their associated effects on shedding. Regular grooming can help detect and address these issues promptly.

Excessive Shedding in Pomeranian

While shedding is normal for Pomeranians, excessive shedding refers to shedding that is significantly more than usual or is accompanied by other symptoms such as bald patches, skin irritation, or changes in behavior.

Excessive shedding in Pomeranians, or any dog breed, can be a cause for concern and may indicate underlying health issues or improper care.

Here are some potential causes of excessive shedding in Pomeranians:

9. pomeranian stressed and sad


Excessive shedding in Pomeranians due to stress can result from changes in the environment, loud noises, separation anxiety, new household additions, or medical procedures.

Signs include increased grooming, restlessness, and changes in behavior. Providing a calm and stable environment, regular exercise, and mental stimulation can help reduce stress levels.

Skin Infection

Excessive shedding in Pomeranians due to skin infections may result from bacterial or yeast issues, causing hair loss and skin irritation. Symptoms include bald patches, redness, and itching.

Prompt veterinary attention is crucial to diagnose and treat the infection, alleviate shedding, and restore the dog’s coat and skin health.

Pomeranians allergies skin licking

Skin Allergies

Excessive shedding in Pomeranians due to skin allergies can stem from reactions to environmental factors like pollen or certain foods, leading to itching, redness, and hair loss. Identifying and avoiding allergens, along with veterinary guidance for medication or specialized diets, can help manage allergies and reduce shedding.

Hormonal Imbalance

Excessive shedding in Pomeranians due to hormonal imbalance, like hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease, disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, causing increased shedding. Symptoms include hair loss, dull coat, and weight changes. Veterinary diagnosis through blood tests is essential to identify the hormonal imbalance and initiate appropriate treatment to restore coat health.

Poor Nutrition

A diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to poor coat health and excessive shedding. Ensure your Pomeranian is eating a high-quality, balanced diet formulated for their specific age, size, and activity level.


Infestations of fleas, ticks, or mites can cause excessive scratching, skin irritation, and hair loss in Pomeranians. Regular flea and tick prevention measures are essential to prevent infestations.

Underlying Health Conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or cancer, can manifest with symptoms such as excessive shedding. If you notice any unusual changes in your Pomeranian’s shedding pattern or overall health, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
If you’re concerned about your Pomeranian’s shedding, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues and determine the appropriate course of action. With proper care, grooming, and attention to your Pomeranian’s overall health, excessive shedding can often be managed effectively.

Methods to Stop over Shedding in Pomeranians

While it’s impossible to entirely halt shedding in Pomeranians, there are numerous strategies to manage and minimize it. Regular grooming is crucial to remove dead hair from your Pomeranian’s coat, significantly reducing overall shedding.


best bristle brush for pomeranians

Regular grooming of your Pomeranian, including brushing their coat several times a week with a slicker bristle brush, a dog glove or grooming rake, helps remove loose fur, prevents mats, and stimulates healthy hair growth, effectively reducing shedding and maintaining a beautiful and manageable coat. It is one of the must-have items for the owner of Pomeranians.

Deshedding Tool

Using a deshedding tool, such as an undercoat rake or shedding blade, on your Pomeranian’s coat helps remove loose fur and reduce shedding. Regular use of the deshedding tool, alongside proper grooming techniques, promotes healthy hair growth and minimizes excess shedding, keeping your Pomeranian’s coat in optimal condition.

A Good Dog Shampoo

Using a quality shampoo formulated for dogs with sensitive skin or shedding issues can help reduce excessive shedding in Pomeranians. Regular bathing with a gentle shampoo removes loose fur, dirt, and debris, promoting a healthy coat and minimizing shedding, while avoiding irritation or dryness that could worsen the shedding.


Regular bathing with a gentle dog shampoo helps reduce shedding in Pomeranians by removing loose fur, dirt, and dander from the coat. Avoid over-bathing, as it can strip natural oils and worsen shedding.

Bathe your Pomeranian every 4-6 weeks to maintain coat health and minimize shedding effectively.

Regular Physical and Mental Exercise

Regular physical and mental exercise help reduce stress, which can contribute to excessive shedding in Pomeranians. Provide daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation through interactive toys or training exercises. A stimulated and fulfilled Pomeranian is less likely to experience stress-related shedding, promoting a healthier coat.

Pomeranians can be prone to becoming lazy or overweight if they don’t receive enough exercise or if they’re overfed. Their small size means they don’t require as much exercise as larger breeds, but they still need regular activity to stay healthy and prevent obesity. Providing appropriate exercise and a balanced diet can help prevent laziness and obesity in Pomeranians.

High-Quality Diet

Pomeranian High Quality Dog Food

Feeding your Pomeranian a high-quality diet rich in essential nutrients, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, promotes healthy skin and coat, reducing excessive shedding.

Choose a balanced dog food tailored to their age, size, and activity level to support coat health and minimize shedding effectively.


Supplementing your Pomeranian’s diet with omega-3 fatty acids or other appropriate supplements can support coat health, reduce inflammation, and minimize shedding.

Foods containing rich omega such as salmon (fatty fish), fish oil, and flaxseed can help maintain Pomeranians’ coat shinning and healthy.

omega-3 fatty oils for pomeranians

Providing biotin supplements to your Pomeranian can promote healthy skin and coat, reducing shedding. Biotin supports the growth of strong, resilient hair follicles, decreasing hair loss and improving overall coat condition. Clinical studies have found a 91% improvement in dogs taking biotin.

Consult your veterinarian for recommendations on supplements suitable for your Pomeranian’s needs, ensuring they receive essential nutrients to maintain a healthy coat and minimize shedding effectively.


Keeping a Pomeranian hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health, including coat health. Proper hydration supports skin elasticity and coat moisture, which can reduce excessive shedding. Additionally, ensuring your Pomeranian has access to clean water at all times helps support healthy hair growth, minimizing the likelihood of dry, brittle fur that may contribute to shedding.

Can a Pomeranian be Shaved to Stop Shedding?

Shaving a Pomeranian to stop shedding is generally not recommended. Their double coat serves as insulation and protection from various weather conditions. Shaving can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle, leading to potential skin issues, sunburn, and difficulty regulating body temperature. Regular grooming and proper care are preferable methods to manage shedding.

Managing Pomeranian Shedding at Home

Numerous methods exist to effectively manage shedding in Pomeranians, whether it’s normal shedding or excessive. Implementing these strategies helps minimize fur accumulation in the home, ensuring a cleaner living environment for you and your Pomeranian companion.

Brush Pomeranian Outside

Brushing your Pomeranian outside can be beneficial for managing shedding. Doing so reduces the amount of loose fur released indoors, minimizing cleanup.
Use a slicker bristle brush, a dog glove or grooming rake to remove loose hair from the coat, focusing on the undercoat to prevent mats and tangles. Outdoor brushing also allows for natural light, making it easier to see and remove loose fur effectively.

However, ensure your Pomeranian is comfortable and secure in an enclosed area to prevent them from running off. Always brush gently and avoid over-brushing to prevent skin irritation or discomfort.

Vacuum and Clean Regularly

Regular vacuuming and cleaning play a crucial role in managing shedding in Pomeranians. Pomeranians shed year-round, and their double coat can result in loose fur accumulating on floors and furniture. Vacuuming helps remove shed hair, dander, and allergens from the environment, reducing potential allergic reactions and maintaining a clean home.

Regular cleaning, including washing bedding and dog accessories, further minimizes the presence of loose fur. Combining these practices with regular grooming helps control shedding, promotes a healthier living environment, and ensures your Pomeranian’s coat stays manageable and well-maintained.

If you’re considering a robot vacuum, opt for one equipped with a docking station for self-emptying. Pomeranians shed enough hair to quickly fill up a robot vacuum’s small chamber, so this feature can be especially convenient for managing the fur cleanup in your home.

pomeranians shedding in the home vaccum

Lint Rollers

Lint rollers are handy tools for managing shedding in Pomeranians. They efficiently remove loose fur from clothing, furniture, and other surfaces, helping maintain a hair-free environment.

Using lint rollers regularly can significantly reduce the presence of shed hair, minimizing allergens and keeping your home clean and presentable. While lint rollers provide a quick solution for removing fur, they complement regular grooming and vacuuming efforts.

By incorporating lint rollers into your cleaning routine, you can effectively manage shedding, ensuring a comfortable living space for both you and your Pomeranian.

Covers for Furniture

Using covers for furniture is an effective strategy for managing shedding in Pomeranians. Covers provide a protective barrier against shed hair, preventing it from accumulating on upholstery and making cleanup easier. Washable covers can be easily removed and laundered to keep furniture clean and free of fur.

Additionally, covers help preserve the lifespan of furniture by reducing wear and tear caused by pet hair, minimize the impact of shedding on your furniture, maintain a tidy home environment, and ensure your Pomeranian’s comfort without compromising your decor.

Conclusion About Shedding on Pomeranian

Pomeranians are wonderful companions, but their shedding tendencies can catch new owners off guard.
Pomeranians have a unique hair growth pattern where their fur grows in cycles. This means that while shedding may seem excessive during certain times, it’s a natural process, and new fur will eventually replace the shed hair.

Understanding the reasons behind Pomeranians shedding and its unique aspects can help owners better manage their pet’s grooming needs and maintain a healthy coat as well as ensuring a comfortable and clean environment for everyone. Regular grooming, proper nutrition, and attention to overall health are key to minimizing shedding and keeping your Pomeranian’s coat looking its best.

Eager to learn other amazing facts about Pomeranian? You can read it here.

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