why do pomeranian smell bad

Pomeranians are undeniably one of the most beloved dog breeds out there, but let’s face it, they’re not always roses and sunshine. One issue many Pomeranian owners face is dealing with their distinctive aroma, reminiscent of cheesy chips.

But fear not, because there’s hope! Below, we’ll delve into the reasons behind your Pomeranian’s potent scent and explore effective strategies to minimize the odorous onslaught both from your dog and your living space.

why do pomeranian smeel so bad and how to fix it

The Pomeranian's Funky Smell: Unveiling the Mystery

Pomeranians are not inherently stinky, but like all dogs, they require proper grooming to keep them smelling fresh. These fluffy companions have a dense double coat that can trap odors if not regularly brushed. Their small ears can also collect dirt and debris, leading to unpleasant smells if not cleaned regularly.

Furthermore, dental hygiene is essential for Pomeranians as they are prone to dental issues, which can contribute to bad breath. By ensuring regular grooming, ear cleaning, and dental care, Pomeranian owners can help prevent any potential odor problems and maintain a pleasant environment for themselves and their dog

The Pomeranian's Funky Smell Mysteries Unveiled: 8 Causes of Their Scent

Wondering why your Pomeranian emits such a distinctive aroma? Look no further! Below are eight common factors contributing to the potent scent often associated with Pomeranians:

pomeranian drying off in bath

1. Lack of Grooming

Pomeranians boast a luxurious coat that may deceive owners into believing their dog is pristine. However, beneath that fluffy exterior lies a hidden world of grime and debris.

Despite their apparent cleanliness, Pomeranians can accumulate dirt and dander, especially if grooming routines are neglected. Unlike other breeds, Pomeranians may not display obvious signs of filth, leading owners to forgo regular bathing.

While some owners may reserve baths for extreme situations, such as encounters with foul-smelling substances, this sporadic approach can leave Pomeranians unwashed for extended periods.

To combat the characteristic scent of Pomeranians, it’s essential to establish a grooming routine that includes bathing every 3-4 weeks, regardless of apparent cleanliness.

2. Wet Pomeranians

Pomeranians possess a greater abundance of odor-producing microorganisms, particularly thriving in moist environments. Their fur has a propensity to trap moisture, facilitating the release of an unappealing aroma via the sebaceous glands.

While many canines may exhibit the familiar “wet dog” scent, Pomeranians often contend with an amplified version of this fragrance challenge.

wet pomeranian shaking off

No matter if they play in the rain or take a plunge into the nearest body of water, Pomeranians are notorious for acquiring a distinct odor!

Even post-bath, Pomeranians may retain a faint wet dog aroma, though it is significantly milder and more transient than those who haven’t had a bath in two months.

Pomeranian rubbing ear in fox poop

3. Bad Breath or Dental Problems

Foul breath isn’t exactly a hallmark of floral fragrance for most dogs. But then again, who can boast of such a feat?

However, for Pomeranians, bad breath presents a particularly vexing issue. Their meticulous self-grooming habits, involving incessant licking of paws and fur, inadvertently spread that less-than-pleasant aroma (and drool) all over their pristine coats!

pomeranian dental problems bad breath
Ensuring proper dental hygiene is crucial for Pomeranians to avoid dental issues such as infections, which can contribute to bad breath.

4. Anal Gland Problems

Pomeranians are predisposed to experiencing anal gland problems, often stemming from being overweight and a penchant for consuming inappropriate food items. This dietary misadventure can result in softer stools, hindering the natural emptying of their anal glands.

Accumulated secretions from these glands can emit a highly unpleasant odor, leaving a lingering fishy scent throughout your home if your Pomeranian is grappling with anal gland disease.

ruptured anal gland secretion in dogs

5. Pomeranian Ears

Pomeranians’ ears provide an ideal habitat for bacteria to thrive. Their fluffy, droopy ears hinder air circulation, fostering a warm and moist environment conducive to ear mites and yeast infections, often resulting in unpleasant odors.

Compounding the issue, Pomeranians’ tendency to experience itchiness prompts them to rub their ears against various surfaces, further worsen the accumulation of dirt and debris.

Note: Ear infections rank among the most prevalent health concerns for Pomeranians.

pomeranian floppy ears

6. Dirty Bed

Pomeranians are frequently crate trained, often spending extended periods in their cozy confines compared to other breeds. However, discerning whether a Pomeranian has had a bathroom accident can be challenging, as the odor tends to cling more noticeably to their fur than the bedding itself.

This problem is especially happened among Pomeranian puppies, who may have a tendency for frequent urination and an accompanying fondness for frolicking in their own mess.

For further insights, explore our tips to crate training your dog.

pomeranian on bed

7. Skin Concerns

Pomeranians are prone to skin allergies, which often become more pronounced with age. Failure to adjust their diet over time may lead to intolerance to certain food types, resulting in rashes, yeast or bacterial infections, and other skin irritations.

Additionally, environmental allergens like grass, dust mites, and household cleaning products can worsen skin issues in Pomeranians. Thus, they may emit a distinct and potent musky odor, even after a bath.

8. Dietary Habits

pomeranian eating poop

Gas troubles are frequently encountered among Pomeranians and could signify a food intolerance issue.

The dietary choices for Pomeranians significantly influence the scent they emit. Some owners advocate for a raw diet, noting its effectiveness in minimizing odor. Conversely, high-grain foods are notorious for inducing gas in dogs.

9 Methods to Keep Your Pomeranian Fresh and Clean

The great news is, there’s plenty you can do to help keep your Pomeranian smelling delightful. Here are some simple yet effective strategies to prevent your Pomeranian from becoming a smelly pet!

1. Bathing

Avoid excessive bathing to prevent skin irritations, aiming for a schedule of once every 3-4 weeks.

During bath time, ensure thorough coverage with two rounds of shampooing, followed by a comprehensive rinse with cool water. Don’t forget to gently plug their ears with damp cotton wool balls to prevent water from entering.

Consider using Exfoliating Gloves to scrub your Pomeranian, ensuring thorough dirt removal from deep within their coat. Explore a curated list of essential grooming tools and products tailored for Pomeranians to streamline your grooming routine.

Bonus Tip: Elevate your grooming game with a post-bath cologne for your Pomeranian—trust us, it’s a game-changer!

2. Clean Their Bedding After Baths

After giving your Pomeranian a refreshing bath, they might smell as fresh as a daisy. However, if they hop straight back onto their unwashed bedding, it won’t be long before that delightful scent is replaced by an unwelcome odor. Bedding harbors a plenty of bacteria that can transfer back onto your Pomeranian, undoing all your efforts. Consider washing their collars and harnesses periodically as well.
Pro Tip: Keep two sets of bedding for your Pomeranian. While one set is in the wash, the other can be used immediately.

3. Regular Brushing Routine

Brushing is key to minimizing your Pomeranian’s shedding, a major contributor to their odor. Aim to brush their coat once a week to eliminate accumulated dirt.

Invest in a high-quality brush tailored for Pomeranians—it’s a game-changer for both you and your dog!

4. Drying Damp Pomeranian

Damp Pomeranians can bring a noticeable odor into your home.

Upon returning from a rainy outing, swiftly dry your Pomeranian with a plush, highly absorbent towel to prevent them from transferring moisture onto furniture or carpeting.

For added convenience and pampering, consider investing in a Luxurious Dog Bathrobe for your Pomeranian!

Pomeranians generally tolerate blow-drying well, but be sure to adjust the settings to a lower level than you would typically use for yourself to avoid discomfort.

5. Maintain Dental Health

Keep your Pomeranian’s teeth clean by brushing them 2-3 times a week with a suitable toothbrush to ward off plaque and tartar buildup, which can lead to gum infections and unpleasant breath. It’s best tips for new owners to start this routine when they are young, as older Pomeranians may find it challenging to adapt.

pomeranian dental problems bad breath plaque tartar

Offering crunchy, nutritious snacks like raw vegetables can also aid in maintaining their dental hygiene. Carrots, in particular, make a delightful and beneficial lunchtime treat.

If your Pomeranian’s teeth already show signs of plaque buildup, consider scheduling a professional cleaning with a vet hygienist. You’ll notice a significant improvement in their breath afterward. Alternatively, you can opt for a Dental Cleaning Kit for regular DIY maintenance at home.

6. Prevent Anal Gland Issues

Pomeranians are susceptible to anal sac disease, so it’s essential to understand the factors that contribute to potential problems with their anal glands. Providing a balanced diet, ensuring they get sufficient exercise, and scheduling regular veterinary check-ups should help prevent complications with their anal glands.

7. Ensure Ears Hygiene

Pomeranians require regular ear care to prevent infections, as they are particularly susceptible to them.

Clean their ears weekly using a specialized ear cleaner and be vigilant for any unusual odors or dark-colored discharge. Should you detect such signs, consult your vet to assess for ear mites or yeast infections.

pomeranian at vets health check
If your Pomeranian displays increased ear scratching or head shaking, your vet can prescribe medicated ear drops to swiftly address the issue.

8. Get Treatment for Skin Troubles

If your Pomeranian incessantly scratches throughout its body, seeking veterinary guidance is imperative. Your vet may initially recommend dietary adjustments to address suspected food allergies.
pomeranian scratching ear
Environmental influences must also be taken into account, such as introducing a new fragrance at home or exploring a different park during walks. Additional symptoms of allergies to be mindful of may include:
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Hair loss
  • Patchy skin
  • Excessive licking of the paws
  • Loose stools

9. Consider Adjusting Their Diet

Consulting your vet is essential when contemplating a change in your Pomeranian’s diet and the selection of suitable food options.

A raw diet (for adult Pomeranians) can offer benefits such as improved coat quality, dental health, and fresher breath, while generally being more nutritionally dense compared to processed foods.

However, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks associated with raw diets, such as bone-related choking hazards or exposure to harmful bacteria.

This dietary approach may not be suitable for all dogs, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions that necessitate dietary restrictions. Always prioritize seeking professional guidance.

pomeranian raw diet vs kibble dog food

Bonus Tips:

For those looking to further minimize lingering odors left by your Pomeranian in your home, consider the following tactics:

Wipe their mouths after feeding

Pomeranians’ ample jowls can inadvertently harbor food remnants, which they may transfer onto furniture, leading to rapid odorous buildup.

Dab them after urination

To prevent the transfer of urine onto their bedding or furniture, gently dab your Pomeranian’s genital area with a tissue after they urinate. This simple practice can significantly delay the onset of unpleasant smells.

Wrapping Up Smelly Pomeranians

Pomeranians inherit a penchant for scent from their hunting ancestry, where identifying pack members was crucial. However, their olfactory prowess persists even in modern times. Numerous factors contribute to the distinctive aroma of your Pomeranian, but fear not! This compilation offers practical solutions to combat the smell.

P.S. We cherish those cheesy paws of our Pomeranian and often indulge in sniffing them for a serotonin boost! If you have quirky habits with your Pomeranian, share them in the comments below—we’re all ears!