Dogs That Do (& Don’t) Make a Great Match for a pomeranian

Pomeranians are remarkable dogs (clearly), but they can pose a bit of a challenge for some owners, and in specific scenarios – having more than one Pomeranian can lead to complete chaos!

If you’re considering a second dog to accompany your Pomeranian and are curious about breeds that make good companions (or maybe not), we’ve got you covered!

Pomeranian with their own kind

Why You May Not Want Another Pomeranian

Even though we think they are the best, we totally understand why you may not want another Pomeranian in your home. After all, it’s twice the barking, twice the stubbornness, and in most cases – MORE than twice as hard to train!

Whilst Pomeranians (generally) love the company of their own kind, they can, of course, be just as content with other dog breeds.

So, if you’re not ready to deal with another Pomeranian (or two), don’t worry – there are plenty of great doggy companions out there for your furry friend.

Our Personal Experience

Navigating a Pomeranian’s unique temperament, their quirky habits, and figuring out the kind of doggy personalities they vibe with? We’ve been there and done that.

From overseeing our Pomeranians mingling with a plethora of other pups, we’re in the prime spot to serve up some top-notch insights on the ideal canine characteristics that gel well with a Pomeranian.

Dogs That Do and Don’t Make a Great Match for a pomeranian

Pomeranian Pairings

Whilst we have created this list as a general guide to give you some indication, it’s important to remember that every Pomeranian (and dog) is an individual.

Just because our Pomeranians have got on well with another dog breed, it doesn’t mean yours will too. So you’ll have to determine whether they are likely to be open to a new arrival in the family, and their tolerance levels in terms of energy and age.

Pomeranians under 4 Years Old

If your Pomeranian is under the age of four, well socialized, and without any particular behavioral issues, it’s highly likely they’ll be receptive to a very wide range of dog breeds as companions.

Pomeranian over 7 Years Old

If your Pomeranian is over the age of seven, then it’s more likely they may have started to slow down a little and become set in their ways. They may not be interested in playing as much as they used to and might prefer the company of a calmer dog who won’t be too demanding on their time and energy levels.

If your Pomeranian has slowed down, then we recommend they are paired with a small-medium, lower-energy dog.

However, if you’re introducing a very young puppy, then older Pomeranians (being the gentle souls that they are) are more likely to accept their boisterousness, as opposed to bringing home a larger, bouncy pup.

Size of the New Dog

Dogs That Make a Great Match for a pomeranian

When it comes to Pomeranian pairings, size definitely matters. The vast majority of Pomeranians are extremely friendly and love a good play session with another dog. However, their small size means they can be easily injured (and vice versa) if matched with a dog of a larger breed – even if they’re just playing.

Some large-size dogs can still be very gentle though, so it’s not always the size that’s the problem, but the general temperament.

Temperament of New Dog

When trying to figure out which other dogs make good Pomeranian buddies, it’s important to understand the breed temperaments that may be at play. Some dog breeds have certain characteristics that can be incompatible with Pomeranians even if they’re small in size, such as being extra-high energy or generally predisposed to extreme shyness.

While there are other factors to consider for your current Pomeranian (such as age and previous experience with other dogs), their breed-specific traits are going to be the biggest guide as to which other dogs should (or shouldn’t) be paired with a Pomeranian.

pomeranian and chihuahua

14 Dog Breeds That Do (& Don’t) Get Along With Pomeranians

While most dogs can make great companions, some breeds are better suited for life with a Pomeranian than others.

If you’re looking for a dog to pair with your Pomeranian, here are some of the best choices (and ones to avoid) from our own personal experience.

1. Pomeranian and Chihuahua

pomeranian and chihuahua

When it comes to canine companionship, the dynamic duo of Chihuahuas and Pomeranians stands out as an adorable and harmonious match.

Both breeds, known for their pint-sized stature and lively personalities, often form strong bonds that bring joy to households. Let’s delve into the compatibility of Chihuahuas with Pomeranians, exploring the temperamental traits that make them such great companions.

Chihuahua Temperament

Chihuahuas, despite their diminutive size, possess big personalities. Known for their loyalty, intelligence, and spirited nature, these little dogs are often described as “big dogs in small bodies.”

Their alertness and affectionate demeanor make them wonderful companions, and their adaptability allows them to thrive in various living environments.

Why Chihuahuas Get Along with Pomeranians:

  • Similar Size
  • Playful Energy Levels
  • Affable Nature
  • Curiosity and Intelligence
  • Adaptability
  • Love for Attention


Why Chihuahuas May not Get Along with Pomeranians:

  • None


2. Cockapoos and Pomeranians

Cockapoos and Pomeranians

Generally, Cockapoos and Pomeranians make great pals because they’re close in size, love to play, and can adapt well.But it’s important to consider their unique personalities and how they feel about sharing their space.

With a proper introduction, some supervision, and understanding their feelings, Cockapoos and Pomeranians can build a happy and lasting friendship in your home.

Cockapoos Temperament:

Cockapoos stand out as a beloved dog breed, cherished for their warm and affectionate demeanor. Born from the mix of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle, they inherit the finest traits from both parent breeds. These dogs are not only intelligent and quick learners but also exhibit a playful nature, delighting in the company of their owners.

Known for their gentle disposition, Cockapoos make excellent companions, particularly for families with children. Their friendly nature extends to getting along harmoniously with other pets in the household.

Why Cockapoos Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Playing Together
  • Similar Sizes
  • Loving

Why Cockapoos May Not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Protecting Territory
  • Introductory Challenges


3. Vizslas and Pomeranians

Vizsla running in the forest

Let’s talk about how Vizslas and Pomeranians get along as buddies.

Pomeranians and Vizslas are two very different breeds of dogs. Pomeranians are small, energetic and playful, while Vizslas are larger, more reserved, and often quite shy.

We’ll explore the Vizslas’ personality and see how well they match with Pomeranians.

Vizslas Temperament :

The Vizsla is a loving and lively dog breed that becomes a fantastic family pet, though they need lots of activity and care.

They are gentle and affectionate with their families but may be a bit reserved when meeting new people. Smart and quick learners, Vizslas are energetic dogs that enjoy staying active.

However, they’re just as content to snuggle up on the sofa with their favorite person.
In general, Vizslas are affectionate, loyal, and adaptable, making them excellent companions for families who enjoy an active lifestyle.

Why Vizlas Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Energy Levels: Vizlas and Pomeranians both like to play alot, so they can have fun together
  • Social Nature: Vizlas enjoy being around other dogs, including the lively Pomeranians

Why Vizlas May not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Sometimes, the way Vizlas play might not match well with how Pomeranians like to play, causing potential disagreements
  • Both Vizslas and Pomeranians can be a bit territorial, which might lead to arguments over shared spaces or things
  • Vizslas love to spend time stalking birds
  • Not evely matched in sized


4. Pomeranians and Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers and pomeranian

Thinking about Labrador Retrievers and Pomeranians becoming friends brings together different sizes, energies, and characters.

Labradors are fairly headstrong , and can at times end up dominating smaller dogs by using their larger size to their advantage when introduced as an adult. This can unsettle territorial pomeranians and cause them to withdraw from their happy-go-lucky personalities. 

These two kinds of dogs, each special in their own way, might either have a happy friendship or face some challenges. Let’s check out what Labrador Retrievers are like and see why they might get along with Pomeranians.

Labrador Retrievers Temperament :

Labrador Retrievers are really popular dogs because they’re friendly and like being around people. They’re good at making their owners happy and are known for being gentle, loving, and smart.

But, it’s important to know that Labradors are active and need a lot of playtime and things to do. If they don’t get enough exercise, they might get bored and do things they shouldn’t. Labradors also really like food, so they might ask for or take food if no one is watching.

So, if you want a Labrador Retriever as a pet, make sure you can spend time playing with them and giving them attention.

Why Labrador Retrievers Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Gentle Nature
  • Social Compatibility
  • Playful Energy Levels


Why Labrador Retrievers may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Can be dominant
  • Not evenly matched in size



5. Pomeranians and  Dalmatians

dalmatian on the stair

Let’s talk about Dalmatians and Pomeranians as buddies! We’ll see how these two types of dogs, each with its own special traits, can be friends or face some challenges when hanging out together. 

Even though Dalmatians and Pomeranians both like to play and can adapt well, their size difference and who’s in charge could be tricky. With careful introductions, keeping an eye on them, and understanding each dog’s personality, they could have a good friendship in your home.

Dalmatians Temperament :

Dalmatians are dogs you can easily spot because of their special black and white spots. They’re really liked by many people because they’re loyal, smart, and playful.

But, Dalmatians can sometimes be a bit stubborn, so they need training that’s firm but fair. They also need a lot of exercise to be happy and healthy. If you don’t like to be active or live in a small place, a Dalmatian might not be the best choice for you.

Why Dalmatians Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Both Love to Play
  • Having Fun Together
  • Friendly Dogs


Why Dalamatians may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Big and Small Difference: Dalmatians are much bigger than Pomeranians, so it’s important to watch them to make sure no one gets accidentally hurt during play.
  • Who’s in Charge?: Dalmatians might want to be the boss, and if not handled well, this could cause problems, especially if the Pomeranian is assertive.
  • Mine, Not Yours: Both types of dogs might want to claim their own space or things, which could lead to disagreements.



6. Pomeranians and French Bulldogs

French buldog and pomeranian

French Bulldogs are playful dogs that make fantastic companions for Pomeranians, as they share many of the same personality traits. Both breeds are known for being extremely affectionate and outgoing, and they love nothing more than the company of others.

French Bulldogs are also fairly active, and they’ll be more than happy to chase your Pomeranian around throughout the day. In fact, they need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy, so having a buddy to play with is essential.

When it comes to personality, these two breeds are a perfect match. So if you’re looking for a fun-loving and affectionate companion for your Pomeranian, a French Bulldog might just be the ideal choice.

French Bulldogs Temperament :

The French Bulldog, often called the “Frenchie,” is a small yet robust breed bursting with character. They are devoted companions, forming strong bonds with their families, and they dislike being left alone for extended periods.

French Bulldogs are recognized for their stable temperament, making them suitable for households with children. However, their short snouts can make them susceptible to respiratory issues, so it’s important not to over-exercise them in hot weather.

Why French Bulldogs Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Playful and Friendly
  • Evely matched energy levels
  • Affectionate

Why French Bulldogs may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Dominance Dynamics



7. Pomeranians and Weimaraners

Weimaraners and pomeranian

Pomeranians and Weimaraners are two very different breeds of dogs. Pomeranians are known for being friendly and curious while Weimaraners can be aloof and independent. Weimaraners can also be highly-strung dogs, and they require a great deal of attention and exercise.

Pomeranians are often too playful for the more serious Weimaraners, and the two breeds can be quite independent from one another. Additionally, Pomeranians tend to be very vocal dogs, while Weimaraners are relatively quiet. This can lead to conflict between the two breeds if they are not properly introduced.

For these reasons, Pomeranians and Weimaraners generally do not make good pairings because of their differences in size, temperament, and personality.

Weimaraners Temperament :

The French Bulldog, often called the “Frenchie,” is a small yet robust breed bursting with character. They are devoted companions, forming strong bonds with their families, and they dislike being left alone for extended periods.

French Bulldogs are recognized for their stable temperament, making them suitable for households with children. However, their short snouts can make them susceptible to respiratory issues, so it’s important not to over-exercise them in hot weather.

Why Weimaraners Get Along with Pomeranians

  • None


Why Weimaraners may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Aloof and independent
  • Stubborn
  • Requires a lot of attention
  • Easily annoyed by playful or boisterous dogs



8. Pomeranians and Cocker Spaniels

Cocker Spaniels bite toy

Let’s explore the exciting idea of Cocker Spaniels and Pomeranians becoming friends! Imagine a world where their size, how they act, and their energy come together.

These two types of dogs, each with their own special qualities, might get along really well or face some challenges in being pals. Let’s look into how Cocker Spaniels act and figure out what makes them a good match with Pomeranians.

Cocker Spaniels and Pomeranians seem like they could be great buddies! Cocker Spaniels are friendly and can adapt well, making them a good match for the lively Pomeranians. They’re similar in size, like to play, and can adjust to different situations, creating a happy environment.

Even though there might be a few challenges, like different energy levels or who’s in charge,  they could have a really good friendship in your home. It’s like watching a fun story unfold, where size, how they act, and their energy all come together in the world of dog friendships!

Cocker Spaniels  Temperament :

The Cocker Spaniel is a happy and loving dog that is kind and always ready to make you happy. Originally created to help with hunting, they are a lively type that also enjoys having fun. They are great friends for families and get along well with kids.

Cockers are also easy to teach and can do well as working dogs. Even though they are usually well-behaved, sometimes they might want things their way and need regular training. They also tend to bark a bit.

Why Cocker Spaniels Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Friendly and sociable nature
  • Similar Size
  • Playful Nature
  • Loving and affectionate breed


Why Cocker Spaniels  may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Demand lots of attention
  • Different Energy Levels


9. Pomeranians and Papillons

Papillon and 2 pomeranian in the basket

Pomeranians and Papillons are both active, friendly dog breeds, however, there are some things to consider before pairing these two breeds together.

Papillons are attention seekers and can be quite pushy when it comes to playtime. This can be too much for an older Pomeranian who just wants a little more peace and quiet in their golden years.

However, Pomeranians and Papillons share a similar temperament and can get along harmoniously if introduced properly. With a little patience and understanding, these two breeds can form a lasting bond.

Papillons Temperament :

The Papillon is a small and friendly dog, perfect for a lively home. They are active and enjoy learning new tricks and commands.

Papillons love being with their families and crave attention. If left alone for too long, they might become a bit snappy.

But with the right training and socializing, Papillons can be wonderful companions.

Why Papillons Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Similar Size
  • Playful Energy Levels
  • Friendly Nature
  • Smartness


Why Papillons may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • None

10. Pomeranians and Springer Spaniels

Springer Spaniels running on the field

Think of the interesting idea of Springer Spaniels and Pomeranians becoming pals! We enter a world where their feelings, energy, and how well they get along come together. These two kinds of dogs, each with their own special qualities, might dance together happily or face a few challenges in their friendship.

Springer Spaniels Temperament:

The Springer Spaniel is a flexible hunting dog known for its happy nature. They are easy to train and love making their owners happy, making them great companions for active individuals and families.

Additionally, they’re among the top choices for assistance dogs, performing tasks like detecting drugs or bombs, aiding in search and rescue missions, and offering support to people with disabilities.

These dogs are lively and require lots of exercise, so they aren’t the best fit for a quiet lifestyle. They do best when they have a task to engage in and excel as hunting partners.

Why Springer Spaniels Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Both Love to Play: Springer Spaniels and Pomeranians enjoy playing a lot, creating a fun and lively atmosphere for both.
  • Smartness: Springer Spaniels are smart, which can make their interactions interesting and provide mental stimulation for both breeds.
  • Friendly Nature: Springer Spaniels like being around other dogs, matching well with the outgoing Pomeranians and creating a happy atmosphere for friendship.


Why Springer Spaniels may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Springer Spaniels are much bigger than Pomeranians, which can be a challenge. We need to be careful to make sure no one gets accidentally hurt during play.
  • Playfulness: Springer Spaniels really love to play, and their excitement might be a lot for a quieter Pomeranian during playtime.


11. Pomeranians and Cavapoos

Cavapoos and Pomeranians sitting beside table

Pomeranians and Cavapoos are both friendly breeds of dogs that typically get along very well together. Due to their smaller size, pomeranians love to play with Cavapoos, cuddle together, and enjoy each other’s company.

The compatibility between Cavapoos and Pomeranians is generally high due to their similar size, adaptable natures, and playful dispositions. While differences in energy levels and potential dominance dynamics should be considered, with thoughtful introductions, supervised interactions, and an understanding of each dog’s unique personality, a positive and lasting companionship can be nurtured between Cavapoos and Pomeranians in your home.

Cavapoos Temperament :

Cavapoos, a well-liked mix of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle, are friendly and lively dogs, perfect for families with kids and excellent companions.

While they can be deeply devoted to their owners, they’re also social creatures, enjoying the company of both people and other dogs. However, they might be a bit shy around strangers and may bark a lot if not introduced to new people properly.

Why Cavapoos Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Both Cavapoos and Pomeranians share a small to medium size, fostering a balanced dynamic that reduces the risk of unintentional harm during play.
  • The playful tendencies of Cavapoos align well with the spirited character of Pomeranians, creating a lively and engaging environment.
  • Cavapoos’ adaptable and easygoing nature allows them to adjust well to various living environments, contributing to a smoother integration with a Pomeranian.

Why Cavapoos may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Variations in energy levels may pose a challenge, especially if a more energetic Pomeranian overwhelms a less active Cavapoo during play.

12. Pomeranians and Dachshunds

Dachshunds and Pomeranians fighting for toy

Getting Dachshunds and Pomeranians to get along might have some tricky parts. Things like who’s in charge, wanting their own space, and the first meetings can make it a bit tough.

Even though they are close in size and like to play, it’s important to keep a close eye on them and introduce them carefully.

With someone watching over and understanding each dog’s special traits, Dachshunds and Pomeranians might become good friends. But we need to be careful and pay attention to these challenges.

Dachshunds Temperament :

Dachshunds are well-liked dogs with long bodies and short legs. They can be a bit stubborn, but they are also brave and devoted. These dogs are good at alerting you to strangers because they bark a lot. Yet, their hunting instincts might make them want to chase smaller animals.

Training Dachshunds takes time and patience, but the effort is worth it. With the right care and introducing them to different situations, they will become close friends with their owners and be friends for a long time.

Why Dachshunds Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Similar Size
  • Playful Energy Levels
  • Curiosity and Intelligence


Why Dachshunds may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Dominance Dynamics
  • Territorial Behavior



13. Pomeranians and German Shepherds

German shepherd sitting on the grass

German Shepherds are generally good with other dogs, but they can often be a little too rough with smaller, playful breeds, such as the pomeranians.

Pomeranians tend to be more boisterous and cheerful, while German Shepherds can be a little serious and reserved. This can lead to conflict between the two breeds, as pomeranians may try to engage German Shepherds in play when they are not interested. That being said, German Shepherds can be trained to be gentle with smaller dogs, and many of them do just fine with pomeranians and other small breeds.

Ultimately, Pomeranians and German shepherds are two very different types of dogs, which is why they generally are not the no.1 choice for pairings.

German Shepherds Temperament :

German Shepherds are big and strong dogs known for their steady nature. They are smart, adaptable, and stay loyal to their owners. These dogs are also good at watching out and being alert, making them great guard dogs.

Yet, they can be a bit distant and not trust strangers easily. That’s why it’s crucial to let them meet different people when they are young so they can become friendly dogs. German Shepherds are full of energy, so they need lots of exercise and might not be the best choice if you prefer a more relaxed lifestyle.

Why German Shepherds Get Along with Pomeranians

  • German Shepherds, known for their trainability, can adapt to living with other dogs through proper training, enhancing the potential for positive interactions.
  • German Shepherds protective nature can extend to smaller companions like Pomeranians, creating a sense of security and safety in their shared environment.

Why German Shepherds may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • The significant size difference between German Shepherds and Pomeranians can pose a challenge, requiring careful monitoring to prevent unintentional harm during play.
  • German Shepherds may display herding instincts, which could be overwhelming for a smaller dog like a Pomeranian and potentially lead to stress or conflicts.
  • Differences in energy levels may pose challenges, especially if a high-energy German Shepherd overwhelms a less active Pomeranian during interactions.



14. Pomeranians and Boxers

boxer sitting on the grass

Boxers and Pomeranians tend to be great friends thanks to their shared love for play and adaptable nature. Although differences in size and play styles exist, with thoughtful introductions, supervised playdates, and understanding each dog’s unique personality, a positive and lasting companionship can blossom between Boxers and Pomeranians in your home. Patience is key!

Boxers Temperament:

Boxers are self-assured, devoted, and full of energy, requiring lots of activities. They’re smart and can be trained, but occasionally, they might be a bit stubborn. These dogs are excellent at guarding and can be very protective of their families.

It’s crucial to introduce them to different dogs and people early on to ensure proper social interaction. While not naturally aggressive, Boxers will step up to protect their family if they sense a threat.

Why Boxers Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Playful Energy Levels
  • Adaptability
  • Protective Instincts


Why Boxers may not Get Along with Pomeranians

  • Not evenly matched in size
  • Robust play style



Conclusion: The Perfect Companion for Your Pomeranian

When it comes to finding the ideal companion dog for a Pomeranian, it’s essential to consider the unique personalities of both breeds, along with factors like age, socialization, and activity levels.

While there are numerous breeds that can get along with a Pomeranian, they might not always be the best fit if you’re aiming for a more relaxed household!