Pros and Cons of owning a Pomeranian

As a Pomeranian owner, I am often asked what it’s like living with these mischievous pups. Well, let me tell you… there’s never a dull moment!

Pomeranians have a unique personality that can bring so much joy to your life but also have some unique challenges that you need to be prepared for.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of owning a Pomeranian, from their affectionate nature and love of food to their thieving antics and one (particularly) disgusting habit.

Pomeranian being naughty and ripping up papper

Just to be clear, this isn’t your average sugar-coated list of pros and cons.

No, no, no.

This list has been made by real Pomeranian owners who have experienced the ups and downs of Pomeranian parenthood – and we’re not holding anything back!

So, if you’re ready to find out whether Pomeranian ownership is a match made in heaven or a potential disaster, buckle up and get ready for some real talk.

And don’t worry, even if you end up deciding that Pomeranians aren’t for you, we won’t judge (much).

So, let’s dive in and discover the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious aspects of owning a Pomeranian!

Pomeranian Pros and Cons for dog owners

16 Pros of Owning a Pomeranian

Ready to fall in love with a little furball who will always keep you on your toes?

These little guys are known for their big personalities, and there are plenty of reasons why they make wonderful pets.

Get ready, as here are 15 awesome pros of owning a cute pomeranian:

1. Loves a lot of Cuddles

Super cute Pomeranian puppy

One of the best things about Pomeranians is their exceptional talent for cuddling, with their size and shape making them the perfect snuggle partners on the couch.

All of our Pomeranians love to do the same thing – jump up onto you, half-on half-off, and push their snouts in between your elbow and your belly to keep their noses warm!

While Pomeranians may be known for their mischievous nature, they undoubtedly provide the most heartwarming cuddle sessions (when they finally settle down).

2. Always up for a Game

Pomeranian are pros when it comes to playtime. Not only are they always up for a game at the drop of a hat, but their intelligence, boundless energy, and endless curiosity make them perfect companions for activities like tug-of-war or hide-and-seek.

In fact, when we think about it, these playful pups might just be the most fun members of our family!

3. The Nose Knows

Pomeranian sniffing

Pomeranians are renowned for their incredible sense of smell, and one of our favorite things to do is to hide treats around the house and watch our Pomeranians go to work sniffing them out.

It never fails to amaze us how quickly and accurately they can locate the treats, even when they’re hidden in the most obscure places!

This game is not only a great way to keep your Pomeranian mentally stimulated, but it’s also a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy.

4. Excellent Alarm System

My Pomeranian on guard with his brother

One of the undeniable Pomeranian pros is their exceptional ability to serve as a reliable alarm system. As seasoned Pomeranian owners, we can attest to their vocal nature, which makes them excellent at notifying you of any unwelcome visitors, whether they walk on two or four legs.

If you’re seeking an effective and economical alarm system, consider the benefits of owning a Pomeranian. (Just kidding!).

However, Pomeranians certainly DO NOT make good guard dogs! More on this later…

5. Canine Comedian

Like any dog, Pomeranians do have pros and cons, but when it comes to providing entertainment and comedic value, Pomeranians are incredibly hard to beat!

Their playful nature, curious personality, and quirky habits make for some fantastic stories and memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.

They have a natural ability to make us laugh with their silly antics and playful behavior, and they have a way of brightening up even the gloomiest of days. 

6. (Fairly) Easy to Train

My Pomeranian on a lead ready for a walk

One of the benefits of Pomeranians is that they are incredibly food-driven, which naturally motivates them to learn new behaviors and commands in exchange for treats. This trait makes them more likely than many other breeds to work hard for a reward.

While this high food drive can be seen as a double-edged sword (as it can make them prone to begging), we do not consider it a disadvantage as long as sensible feeding methods are employed.

With proper training and positive reinforcement, Pomeranians can quickly become well-behaved and obedient little pups (most of the time!).

Their innate drive for food can be used to your advantage during training sessions, making the process more efficient and enjoyable for both you and your Pomeranian.

7. Long Lifespan

If you’re considering getting a Pomeranian, then you’ll be pleased to know that one of their advantages is a long lifespan. That’s right – Pomeranians can live up to 15 years, and sometimes even longer.

This means you’ll have more time to create unforgettable memories with your little pup and develop a deep bond with them. A Pomeranian is a great choice for those looking for a doggy that will be a loyal companion for years to come.

8. Low Maintenance Diet

My Pomeranian eating her dinner

Ever heard of some breeds that are so difficult to feed as they turn their noses up at everything? Not the Pomeranian!

Pomeranians are known for their insatiable appetite and will eat just about anything that comes their way. While this may seem like a concern for owners, it can actually be a plus when it comes to feeding them a healthy diet.

As Pomeranians are not picky eaters, this means that you can easily incorporate healthy foods without them staring blankly at you or their bowl. This includes adding vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods that other breeds are generally not interested in.

Their gluttonous nature and willingness to eat just about anything make life that little bit easier when it comes to feeding them a low-maintenance (and balanced) diet!

9. Size Matters

Pomeranians are a great small-sized breed that fits well into many households. They are small enough to be easily managed, yet large enough for outdoor activities and playtime.

Their size also makes them great for families with children, as they are sturdy enough to handle a little rough and tumble!

If you’re looking for a versatile breed that’s just the right size for your family, a Pomeranian might make a great match.

My Pomeranian out on the beach enjoying herself

10. Easy to Groom

One of the advantages of owning a Pomeranian is they are surprisingly low maintenance when it comes to grooming. Even considering they have longish hair.

Unlike some breeds that require regular trips to the groomer or specific tools and treatments, Pomeranians can be taken care of with simple brushing and occasional baths.

Their low-maintenance requirements are one of the benefits that make them an ideal choice for busy families or those who don’t want to spend a lot of time or money on grooming and upkeep.

11. Self-Entertaining


My Pomeranian entertaining herself with a bone

Pomeranians love to play, and they can easily amuse themselves with their favorite chews or toys for hours. They also enjoy exploring their surroundings and sniffing out new scents, which can keep them occupied and engaged.

Pomeranians are playful, curious, and always up for an adventure, which makes them a lovable and entertaining addition to the household.

12. Relatively Healthy Genes

Pomeranians, overall, attract less common health conditions than other popular breeds due to their strong genetic makeup.

This means they require fewer specialized treatments and fewer trips to the vet, which can save you time, money (and heartache) in the long run.

While they may still require regular vet visits and proper care, their health is generally not a major concern.

13. Great with Children

My Pomeranian with my daughter they are very happy together

One of the best things about Pomeranians is their exceptional patience when dealing with children, which is one of their greatest pros.

They are renowned for being kind, gentle, and responsive toward kids, making them an ideal companion for families.

Their high tolerance level means they are less likely (than other breeds) to display aggression towards children, even when the kids are being a bit too enthusiastic.

14. Incredibly Sociable

Pomeranian with two other dogs being sociable

Pomeranians are known to have pack animal instincts. While they are a small breed, they still share some characteristics with their larger wolf ancestors, such as the tendency to form close bonds with their human family and consider them as part of their “pack.”

Pomeranians often enjoy being around people and can be social with other dogs. However, individual personalities can vary, and not every Pomeranian may exhibit the same level of pack-oriented behavior.

Pomeranian looking very cute

15. Cutest Breed Ever!

Pomeranians are undeniably adorable, and their cute and charming appearance is a definite plus for potential pet owners.

Additionally, because of their cute appearance and friendly personalities, Pomeranians often attract A LOT of attention when out in public.

This can lead to opportunities for socialization and interaction with other people and pets, which is important for their overall well-being and happiness.

Pomeranian with my cat (2)

16. Great with Cats

Pomeranians are often known for their friendly and adaptable nature, and this extends to their interactions with other pets, including cats. Many Pomeranians can get along well with cats, forming strong bonds and developing harmonious relationships within the household.

Their playful and sociable disposition makes Pomeranians open to engaging with cats in various activities. While individual personalities may vary, Pomeranians generally exhibit curiosity rather than aggression toward cats. This curiosity can lead to entertaining interactions, such as playful chases or shared moments of relaxation.

Due to their small size, Pomeranians are less intimidating to cats, which can contribute to a positive coexistence. It’s important to introduce them gradually and under supervision, allowing both the Pomeranian and the cat to become familiar with each other’s scents and behaviors.

With proper socialization and monitoring, Pomeranians and cats can establish strong bonds, creating a harmonious and loving environment for both pets.

As always, understanding the unique personalities of individual animals and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior can contribute to a successful and enjoyable relationship between Pomeranians and cats in a household.

Pomeranian chewing on something she shouldn't be

16. Cons of Owning a Pomeranian

Now, let’s talk about the not-so-great parts of owning a Pomeranian.

While they may have their lovable quirks, Pomeranians also come with their fair share of challenges. From their stubborn nature to their love of destruction, owning a Pomeranian requires patience, understanding, and a good sense of humor.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the cons of owning a Pomeranian…

1. They can be quite noisy!

Pomeranian being noisy with her barking

One of the drawbacks of owning a Pomeranian is their love of barking and yapping, which can be a big negative for some people.

While some may find their vocalizations charming or endearing, excessive barking or yapping can be a nuisance for neighbors and may lead to complaints or conflicts.

Pomeranians are known to bark for various reasons, including boredom, anxiety, or to alert their humans to something they perceive as a threat. This behavioral issue can be difficult to manage and may require training and behavior modification techniques to reduce or eliminate.

These little furballs do generally bark a lot, so be prepared for that to be part of their service!

Pomeranians are not typically known for being howlers like some other breeds, such as Beagles or Hounds. However, individual Pomeranians can display a range of vocalizations, including barking and occasional howling.

The tendency to howl can vary from one Pomeranian to another, and it may be influenced by factors such as their environment, upbringing, and individual temperament.

If a Pomeranian is howling, it could be in response to certain stimuli, such as sirens, other dogs howling, or even specific sounds that capture their attention.

While howling is not a characteristic behavior for the breed, it’s essential to understand that individual dogs may express themselves in different ways. If excessive howling becomes a concern, it’s advisable to address it through training and positive reinforcement to encourage more desirable behavior.

2. Food Bandits

Pomeranian stealing food from the table

With their innocent, endearing looks and laid-back temperament, you’d never guess that Pomeranians are master food thieves!

Thanks to their remarkable sense of smell and lack of impulse control, Pomeranians can be notorious for stealing food whenever they get the chance. They can sniff out even the slightest crumb, and once they find the goods, they’re off!

This behavior can lead to negative implications for pet owners, who may need to take extra steps to ensure that food is always secure and inaccessible to their thieving Pomeranian, also known as ‘Pomeranian-proofing’ your home.

It’s essential to be vigilant and take necessary measures to prevent these incidents, as the implications of their food-thievery can lead to more serious consequences, such as ingesting toxic or dangerous foods.

You can often find your Pomeranian sniffing around under your feet at the table just waiting for any crumb to be dropped there.

3. Housebreaking Challenges: 

House training your Pomeranian

Housebreaking challenges with Pomeranians often stem from their independent and stubborn nature. While some Pomeranians can be quick learners in terms of housebreaking, others may pose more difficulties for their owners. This challenge can manifest in various ways:

1. Small Bladder Size: Due to their small size, Pomeranians have smaller bladders, which means they may need to go outside more frequently than larger breeds. This requires owners to be attentive to their pups’ signals and accommodate their need for regular bathroom breaks.

2. Territorial Behavior: Pomeranians can exhibit territorial behaviors, making them more prone to marking their surroundings. This behavior can complicate the housebreaking process, as they may be inclined to mark indoors.

3. Patience and Consistency Required: Successful housebreaking demands consistent training and a great deal of patience. Owners must establish a routine for taking their Pomeranians outside and reward them for appropriate elimination behavior. Consistency is key to reinforcing good habits.

4. Indoor Accidents: Some Pomeranians may struggle with generalizing the concept of outdoor elimination to indoor spaces. This may lead to occasional accidents inside the house, especially if the training process is not consistently reinforced.

5. Socialization Impact: A lack of exposure to different environments and surfaces during the critical socialization period can contribute to housebreaking challenges. Pomeranians benefit from early and positive exposure to various environments to help them generalize appropriate elimination behaviors.

6. Sensitivity to Training Methods: Pomeranians may not respond well to harsh training methods. Positive reinforcement and gentle correction are often more effective with this breed.

To overcome housebreaking challenges with a Pomeranian, owners should invest time in patient, positive reinforcement training. 

4. Attention Seekers

Pomeranian seeking attention from the kids

Pomeranians are renowned for their affectionate and sociable nature, often craving human interaction and forming strong bonds with their owners. However, this intense need for attention can present challenges, particularly when it comes to potential issues like separation anxiety:

Need for Companionship: Pomeranians thrive on companionship and can become deeply attached to their owners. They may seek constant interaction, wanting to be involved in daily activities and routines.

Velcro Dog Syndrome: Some Pomeranians exhibit what is colloquially known as “Velcro dog syndrome,” where they stick close to their owners and become visibly distressed when left alone. This behavior can escalate into separation anxiety if not addressed early on.

Understanding the attention-seeking tendencies of Pomeranians and actively addressing their social and mental needs can lead to a more balanced and contented pet.

Regular, positive interactions, combined with gradual training for alone time, can help foster independence and reduce the likelihood of separation anxiety.

5. Can Poeranians be smelly?

Pomeranian getting washed to help stop it from becoming smelly

Pomeranians, similar to many dog breeds, may develop odors if their grooming and hygiene requirements are not adequately addressed. Their double coat, while beautiful, can trap odors, especially if not regularly groomed.

Additionally, Pomeranians are prone to skin and ear issues, which, if left untreated, can contribute to unpleasant smells. Dental health is crucial, as poor oral hygiene can result in bad breath.

Anal gland issues can also produce strong odors.

To minimize potential smells, it’s essential to maintain regular grooming practices, including brushing to prevent matting and thorough drying after baths.

Regular dental care, ear cleaning, and monitoring for anal gland issues are also crucial. Providing a well-balanced diet contributes to overall health and can impact natural body odors.

Regular veterinary check-ups, along with proactive grooming practices, play a key role in ensuring a fresh and healthy-smelling Pomeranian.

6. Pomeranians could eat their poop

While it’s not exclusive to Pomeranians and can occur in dogs of various breeds, some dogs, including Pomeranians, may engage in coprophagia, which is the behavior of eating their feces. Several reasons could contribute to this behavior:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: If a dog’s diet lacks essential nutrients, they might be compelled to consume their feces in an attempt to obtain the missing nutrients.
  • Instinctual Behavior: In the wild, mother dogs clean up after their puppies by consuming their feces to keep the den clean and prevent attracting predators. Some dogs may retain this behavior.
  • Attention-Seeking: Dogs may eat feces to get attention, especially if they have received a strong reaction from their owners in the past.
  • Medical Issues: Certain medical conditions or digestive problems could lead to an increased interest in feces.

To discourage coprophagia in Pomeranians:

  • Provide a Balanced Diet: Ensure your Pomeranian is on a nutritionally complete and balanced diet to reduce the likelihood of seeking additional nutrients from feces.
  • Regular Feeding Schedule: Stick to a regular feeding schedule to help regulate your dog’s digestive system.
  • Supervise Outdoor Time: Monitor your Pomeranian during outdoor activities to prevent access to feces.
  • Clean the Environment: Keep the living area clean to remove the temptation of feces.

7. Ear Infections

Cleaning an ear infection on a Pomeranian

While Pomeranians are cherished for their adorable appearance, those distinctive ears can sometimes pose challenges.

Pomeranians, known for their natural curiosity, have a tendency to explore and rub their ears on surfaces, accumulating dirt, debris, and moisture. This buildup can create an environment conducive to bacterial and yeast overgrowth, leading to discomfort, inflammation, and potential permanent damage to their hearing if left untreated.

Addressing recurrent ear infections in Pomeranians requires consistent efforts, including frequent vet visits, regular ear cleanings, and the administration of medications.

Despite the potential hassle, with diligent care and attention, their ears can be kept healthy and free from discomfort.

8. Prone to Separation Anxiety

Downsides to owning a Pomeranian - separation anxiety

Pomeranians’ susceptibility to separation anxiety is a potential concern for pet owners who work outside the home or are away for extended periods.

Their affectionate nature and social behavior may lead to anxiety and distress when left alone for prolonged periods.

However, there are several strategies and techniques that can be employed to manage separation anxiety in Pomeranians.

Providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, gradually acclimating them to being alone, and using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or dog radios can be helpful.

By addressing their separation anxiety, you can ensure that your Pomeranian is happy and healthy even when you’re away from home.

9. Destructive Little Beggars

Pomeranian being destructive with a chair

Pomeranians are lovable and adorable, but they can also be quite destructive at times, especially during their early years.

Their boundless energy needs to be directed towards the right outlets, or they’ll find ways to entertain themselves – which can mean chewing on shoes, digging up gardens, or ripping apart couch cushions.

However, if you’re able to provide them with patience and discipline during these turbulent times, you’ll soon have a Pomeranian who loves its owners unconditionally.

Fulfill their exercise requirements and commit to providing thorough training, and you’ll reap the rewards down the line.

10. Leash Troubles

Pomeranian having trouble with being on a leash

As much as we love them, there are some disadvantages to owning a Pomeranian, particularly when it comes to their freedom and boundaries. They can be fairly unpredictable off-leash, making it challenging to keep them under control.

Pomeranians have an instinct to explore, meaning that once they see something interesting, all bets are off.

They might take off running, ignoring your calls and commands, and leaving you to chase after them like a crazy person.

11. Shedding Machines!

Pomeranian shedding it's fur

Pomeranians are super cute, however, there’s no denying that dealing with their shedding can be a bit of a headache. It seems like no matter how often we clean or vacuum, there’s always more hair to be found on the furniture, the floors, our clothes, and in our coffee!

This shedding can have some implications for those with allergies or sensitivities to pet dander. It can also be frustrating for those who want to maintain a tidy and hair-free home.

While there’s no way to completely eliminate it, there are some strategies that can help manage shedding in Pomeranians.

12. Potty Training Problems

Pomeranian wanting to go potty

Pomeranian puppies are undoubtedly adorable, but as any owner will tell you, they can be quite the handful when it comes to housetraining.

You see, Pomeranians are known for being a little stubborn, and their housetraining tendencies are no exception. They can be slow to catch on to the whole “potty outside” concept, and accidents are bound to happen.

And with their highly sensitive sense of smell, Pomeranians can easily become fixated on the scent of previous accidents, making them return to the same spot over and over again.

Housetraining a Pomeranian takes patience, time, and lots of perseverance, but they will most definitely get there in the end!

13. Useless Guard Dogs

Pomeranians make terrible guard dogs they like people too much

Pomeranians may make excellent alarm systems, but they’re terrible guard dogs!

Their natural friendliness and sociable nature make them less inclined to display protective or aggressive behaviors.

Pomeranians are more likely to view strangers as potential new friends rather than threats. Their outgoing temperament and eagerness for social interaction can override any protective instincts, and they may welcome an intruder with enthusiasm rather than sounding the alarm.

In fact, the prospect of a treat might easily win over a Pomeranian. If an intruder were to break in, it wouldn’t be surprising if the Pomeranian, instead of acting as a guard dog, enthusiastically led them straight to the biscuit jar.

Their gentle demeanor and love for positive interactions make them better suited as companions and alarm systems rather than as traditional guard dogs.

14. Extremely Stubborn

Pomeranians being stubbon on her lead

Pomeranians have a high sense of curiosity and a natural instinct to follow their noses. This means that they can sometimes be more interested in exploring their surroundings than anything you might have to say to them.

They are independent dogs with a strong will and a mind of their own. They might refuse to follow commands, dig in their heels when you try to train them, or simply ignore you altogether.

And let’s not forget about their selective hearing – they’ll hear the rustling of a treat bag from a mile away, but will completely tune out your calls to get their attention!

15. Sitter Struggles

Pomeranian with sitter

Let’s be real, finding a sitter for your Pomeranian puppy might be a bit of a challenge.

It’s not that they’re not lovable or adorable (because let’s face it, they are), but their high-energy and stubborn nature can make them a handful for anyone who isn’t used to their shenanigans.

When Pomeranians are young and mischievous, they love to chew on everything in sight, dig up your backyard, and run around like crazy. It’s all part of their playful spirit, but it can be a bit overwhelming for a sitter who isn’t prepared for the Pomeranian tornado that’s about to hit.

But hey, all that mischief makes owning a Pomeranian pretty entertaining!

16. Potential for Obesity

Pomeranian with obesity problems

Pomeranians may be prone to weight gain, so careful attention to their diet and exercise is crucial to prevent obesity-related health issues.

Due to their small size, it’s easy for Pomeranians to gain excess weight, which can lead to various health issues such as joint problems, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues.

Their adorable and fluffy appearance may sometimes mask the severity of weight gain, making it essential for owners to monitor their Pomeranian’s body condition and adjust their diet accordingly.

Establishing a well-balanced and portion-controlled diet, along with regular exercise, is key to maintaining a healthy weight for Pomeranians. This may involve structured playtime, walks, and interactive toys to keep them physically active and mentally stimulated.

Regular veterinary check-ups can help assess weight status and provide guidance on maintaining an optimal weight for a Pomeranian’s overall well-being.

Just don’t be tempted to over feed your dog!

Pomeranian happy with her owner

Have Our Pomeranian Pros and Cons Helped You Decide?

If you’re still here, that’s a great sign!

Owning a Pomeranian can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to be aware of both the pros and cons. From their affectionate nature and high energy to their stubbornness and potential for excessive barking, Pomeranians have a unique personality that may not be for everyone, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into.

Yes, raising a Pomeranian can be a challenge at times, but in our opinion, the love and companionship they provide are well worth it. Plus, think of all the funny stories you’ll have to tell once they’ve outgrown their mischievous phase!